Launching the University of Anbar Research Platform
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Launching the University of Anbar Research Platform

The University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Al-Neda has launched the construction and design of the University of Anbar Research Platform in the keenness of the Presidency of Anbar to invest the tremendous and rapid development in the field of information technology and computer networks and to benefit from it in the service of the academic and research community within the scale of the university and  within other Iraqi, Arab and International universities. The University of Anbar Research Platform aims at presenting the university's research output easily and freely as well as encouraging academics and researchers to rise up the scientific research and to enter into it through acquaintance and making benefit of other persons' experiences in addition to endeavor to find solutions and alternatives to the problems and challenges that meet them in the field of the specialization.

The Platform also provides opportunities to the researchers to document their scientific and researching records and to recognize them in the research, scientific and academic communities outside the extent of the university and to extend bridges of communication with them as well as enhancing their place and reputation in the field of specialization, in addition to consolidating the scientific and academic place and reputation of the university and to recognize it, moreover increasing the impact of the official electronic website of the university which considers one of the most important standards of the world's classifications such as ( QS and WeboMetrics) through increasing of citations and visits to the university's website. The Platform also provides opportunity to the researchers of the university of Anbar and all Arab and World universities to acquaint the scientific and researching output of the researchers of the University of Anbar and citing it.

It is noteworthy that the scientific research output of the University of Anbar is considered one of the most important standards adopted in assessing the universities and obtaining the high levels in the world authentic classifications and measuring its impact and quality. However, the researchers are mostly confronting many challenges and difficulties to achieve their research works, starting from proposing the idea and methodology of the research reaching to the stage of the assessment and publication after choosing the authentic journal which adopted within the field of specialization.

Link of the University of Anbar Research Platform

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