The President of the University of Anbar, Prof. Dr. Mushtaq Taleb Saleh Al-Neda, accompanied by the assistants and a number of deans of the colleges and directors of departments, received today, Tuesday, the twenty-ninth of June, a high-level delegation from the University of Baghdad headed by the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Munir Hamid Al-Saa'di, with the scientific assistant and deans of medical colleges Pharmacy, Science, Agriculture, Management, Economics, Physical Education, Director of Quality Assurance and University Performance, Director of Media and Public Relations.
The Council of the University of Anbar hosted the visiting delegation to the council hall. The university president welcomed the president and members of University of Baghdad Council, saying: "our happiness today is indescribable, and we honor you in your second university, Anbar, to which you have added another distinction with your splendid presence, as well as our great pride in our university, the University of Baghdad (the mother university), and its great honorable history."
On his part, the President of the University of Baghdad thanked the Presidency of the University of Anbar for the good reception, warmth and hospitality, which they are not surprised by, and are very happy to be among their family and loved ones in Anbar Governorate.
A documentary film about the university was shown, produced by the Department of Media and Public Relations at the Presidency of the University of Anbar, as well as a presentation on the university's achievements that was completed by the Department of Cultural Relations at the Presidency of the University, after which the two parties signed a memorandum of scientific cooperation between the two universities to enhance the frameworks of scientific cooperation between them. Exchanging scientific and research experiences in various fields.
The President of the University of Anbar emphasized that the signing of this agreement is based on a common desire between the two universities to develop scientific and academic work and exchange expertise and experiences in all fields, which is the beginning of more cooperation and coordination between the two universities.
On his part, the President of the University of Baghdad said that it is our happiness and pride to be in the presence of the University of Anbar, which has a distinguished history and reputation, pointing to the establishment of a joint mechanism according to which all scientific and academic expertise and experiences will be exchanged between the University of Baghdad and the University of Anbar.
meantime, the President of the University of Anbar accompanied the visiting delegation on a field tour, during which they visited the Natural Museum of the University of Anbar, the Renewable Energy Center, the Computer Center and the Continuing Education Center. The President of the University of Baghdad expressed his great admiration for the development and scientific progress of the University of Anbar, praising the urban and scientific achievements alike, as well as the green and blue spaces that adorned the university.
In turn, the deans of the colleges of the University of Anbar accompanied the deans of the corresponding colleges from the University of Baghdad on a field tour at the colleges of (Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, Agriculture, Education for Pure Sciences, Administration and Economics, Physical Education and Sports Sciences) to view the laboratories and libraries, within the framework of the joint scientific cooperation between the two universities, as well as a similar tour for the directors of the departments of Media and Public Relations, Quality and Assurance.