Important | Students of The university of Anbar who want to take the COVID-19 vaccine must send their data by accurately filling the form below
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Important | Students of The university of Anbar who want  to take the COVID-19 vaccine must send their data by accurately filling the form below


With reference to the book of the Anbar Health Directorate - Department of Public Health, including the directive of the Honorable Prime Minister on the necessity of cooperation of the Ministries of Education and Higher Education and Scientific Research with the Ministry of Health and Environment to facilitate taking anti-Coronavirus vaccines for dear students. Concerning the esteemed University of Anbar Presidency represented by the President of the university, Professor Dr. Mushtaq Talib Saleh Al-Neda, who takes care about the health of all its staff to take the vaccine.

 Note that a special university vaccination office will be open in the main university campus, so dear students who want to take the vaccine, must send their data by filling accurately the form below:

The Form

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