Al-Anbar Medical Journal is Scopus Indexed.
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Al-Anbar Medical Journal is Scopus Indexed.

Great Scientific Achievement.

The University of Anbar announces: Al-Anbar Medical Journal is Scopus Indexed.

The University of Anbar has attained a new scientific achievement to be added to the other achievements it attained in recent years. Al-Anbar Medical Journal is now Scopus Indexed, according to the email received form the Scopus Content Selection and Advisory Board and the Tracking Evaluation. This impressive scientific achievement is a distinguished scientific qualitative advance at the level of all colleges of medicine in Iraq. It comes as a result of the exerted efforts, meticulous follow up and sound planning by the President of the University Prof. Dr. Mushtak Talib Salih Al-Neda. It comes within the modified strategic plan rigorously followed up in the University.

On this occasion, the President of the University has expressed his great congratulations to the University’s staff members. His Excellency has also expressed his deep thanks for the great efforts exerted by the Vice-President for Scientific Affairs, Dean of the College of Medicine, Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board of Al-Anbar Medical Journal. He also has expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Dept. of Scientific Affairs in the University, Scientific Research Division and Journals' Unit for their great attention and keen follow up, promising other scientific achievements to come in the coming days.

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