In terms of the sense of responsibility and taking care of the dear university students in these hard circumstances, and under the guidance and supervision of Prof. Dr. (Mohammed Al-Hamdany), president of the University of Anbar and University of Fallujah, the Directorate of Dormitories in the presidency of university of Anbar offers a daily breakfast for students in the dormitories at the University of Anbar and University of Fallujah during the holy month of Ramadam under the supervision of a committee composed by the President of the university for this specific purpose.
Likewise, Asst. Prof. Dr. Salam Abdullah Fayad Hassan, director of the dormitories in university of Anbar, declared that, despite the end of the final exams for the academic year 2015 - 2016, cooking food will be a daily activity during the holy month of Ramadan, since hundreds of students at the two universities are still present in the dormitories to pursue their study and to complete their exams for the second course as a result of the different study and exam timings from one college to another, and the inability of other students to return to their families for various reasons
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