Staff Portal
Manaf Abd al Muttalib Ahmed Rajab (Lecturer)

MSc in Financial Management
Accountancy - Economics and Administration

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<p>Manaf Ahmed has Recieved the B.S.C Degree from the University of Anbar ,College of&nbsp; Administration and Economic ,Iraq,Ramadi in 2004.He id recieved the M.S.C Degree From Al-Hashimayte Kingdom of Jordan ,Jordan,Amman, University of Al-al Bayet ,College of Money and Business Management ,Department of Business Mnagement in 2014.&nbsp;He is currently an Assistant Lecture at the College of Administration and Economic ,Iraq,Ramadi , University of Anbar. he has published 4 refereed journal and conference papers. His current research interests include Human Resource ,Financial &nbsp;Management and Marketing.</p>


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# المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة