Staff Portal
Hussam Jasim Mohammed (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Computer Sciences
Head of Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence - Computer Sciences and IT

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<p>1. Mohammed, H., Clarke, N., &amp; Li, F. (2018). Evidence identification in heterogeneous data using clustering. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (p. 35). ACM.&rlm;</p> <p>2. Mohammed, H. J., Clark, N. L., &amp; Li, F. (2018). Automating the harmonisation of heterogeneous data in digital forensics. In 17th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (pp. 299-306). Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited.&rlm;</p> <p>3. Mohammed, H. J., Clarke, N., &amp; Li, F. (2016). An Automated Approach for Digital Forensic Analysis of Heterogeneous Big Data. Journal of Digital Forensics, Security and Law, 11(2), 137-152.&rlm;</p> <p>4. Rahma, A. M. S., Farhan, R. N., &amp; Mohammad, H. J. (2011). Developed Protocol for Key Exchange Based on Irreducible Polynomial. Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science, 5(3), 45-49.&rlm;</p> <p>5. Rahma, A. M. S., Farhan, R. N., &amp; Mohammad, H. J. (2011). Hybrid Model For Securing E-Commerce Transaction. International Journal of Advances in Engineering &amp; Technology, 1(5), 14.&rlm;</p>


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