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sajid Salahuddin Saleem Alsaeedi (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Plant pathology
Biological - Science

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<p>Sajid Salahuddin Saleem AL &ndash; Seedi, PhD, Assist. Professor in Plant pathology, Lecturer, College of Science, the University of Anbar from 1992 - till now.<br /> - Worked as Director of Department of Scientific Affairs and Graduate Studies&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;The University of Anbar, Iraq (1992 &ndash; 2002).<br /> - Head of graduate studies Affairs, College of Science University of Anbar, Iraq. &nbsp;(2002-2004)&nbsp;<br /> - &nbsp;Head of the Department of Biology at the College of Science, the University of Anbar between 2008 - 2011.&nbsp;<br /> - The academic staff of Science Department of Biology, University of Anbar (1992- until now)<br /> - Head and/or member of a number of committees in charge of outlining program courses for undergraduate and graduate studies</p>


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