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Malath Raheem Jasim (Lecturer)

PhD in Applied mathematics
Department of Mathematics - Science

Google ScholarResearch GateORCID


<p>Date of Birth: 1973</p> <p>Nationality: Iraq</p> <p>Languages: Arabic and Russian</p> <p>Address: Iraq - Anbar - Ramadi</p> <p>Bachelor of Mathematics - 1995</p> <p>Master of Mathematics - 2002</p> <p>PhD in Mathematics - 2010</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p>1-Structural spectral analysis acyclic directed graphs, 15th International Scientific Conference, Electronics and Power Engineering, M.P.I.,2009, Moscow</p> <p>2-System models for the analysis of complexity of graphs, 16th International Scientific Conference, Radio and Electrical Power, Moscow, 2010</p> <p>3-Graph model to analysis the complex index of the structures systems, Vestnik, Moscow Power Institute, 2010, Number1, s. 103-116</p> <p>4- Subsystem structural spectral analysis of the tree, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Information resources and technology, 17-19</p> <p>5-Software package for structural spectral analysis of the acyclic graphs, 13th I.S.C., Radio and electrical Power, M.P.I., Moscow</p> <p>6- Quartic Trigonometric B-Spline Collocation Method for Numerical Solution of the One Dimensional Non-linear Equation, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Advanced Technology, 2021, Vol 2, No 2.</p>


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