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Bashar Mohammed Saleh (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in physics
Physics - Science

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<p>Name: Bashar Muhammad Saleh Al-Rawi</p> <p>Date of Birth: 09/21/1986</p> <p>Marital status: married</p> <p>Number of boys: 3</p> <p>Religion Muslim</p> <p>Major: Physics - semiconductor theory</p> <p>Position: Teaching</p> <p>Degree: Master</p> <p>Work Address: University of Anbar - College of Science - Department of Physics</p> <p>Areas of interest: computer simulations - semiconductors - nanomaterials</p> <p>Work Phone: ------</p> <p>Personal phone: 07829141620</p> <p>Email:</p>


<p>A.S.Obaid, Alaa Ahmed Dihe, B.M.Salih, Z.Hassan , Y. Al-Douri, M. Bououdina, &quot;Nanocoral PbS Films Schottky Solar Cell&quot;, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 925 (2014) pp 605-609.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Link</a></p> <p>Bashar M. Salih, Asmat R. Abdul-Gaffor, &quot;Design and Optimization of Antireflection Coating Performance for UV Spectrum by Use CdS Nanoparticles on Si Substrate&quot;, Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science, 2016, Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 34-43&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Link</a></p> <p>Asmat R. Abdul-Gaffor, Bashar M. Salih, &nbsp;&quot;Optical Properties Dependence of ZnO on Particle Size and Use in Design and Optimization of Antireflection Coating Performance for UV Spectrum&quot;, Journal of university of Anbar for Pure science, 2017, Volume 11, Issue 3, Pages 71-82&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Link</a></p> <p>Asmiet Ramizy, Bashar M. Saliha, Saeed Naif Turki Al-Rashid, &quot;Design and optimization of silicon quantum dot antireflection coating performance for UV spectrum&quot;, Optik, 152 (2018) 136&ndash;145.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Link</a></p>


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