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Abd Abrahim Mosslah (Assistant Professor)

MSc in computer Sciences

Interpretation and Quran Sciences - Islamic Sciences

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<p>Name: Abdul Ibrahim Musleh Attia Al-Issawi</p> <p>Date of birth: 1/2/1971</p> <p>Marital status: married</p> <p>Number of boys: two</p> <p>Religion: Muslim</p> <p>Major: Computer Science<br /> Position: university professor<br /> Academic Degree: Assistant Professor<br /> Work address: College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar</p> <p>Work phone: 07712526758</p> <p>Mobile phone: 07712526758<br /> Email:</p>


<p style="text-align:center"><span style="font-size:22px"><strong>Published Research</strong></span></p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah. &quot;Removing the effect light from image and human face detection&quot;, J. of University of Anbar for pure science: Vol.8: NO.1: 2014. ISSN: 1991-8941 Link</p> <p>Azmi S. Abdulbaqi , Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh H. Mahdi. &quot; A Proposed System for Real-Time Early Warning for Building Fire Detection Based on Embedded XBee-PRO RF Modules with Data Accuracy Appropriation&quot;, Journal of Information, Communication, and Intelligence Systems (JICIS)&nbsp; Volume 2, Issue 2, June 2016. ISSN:2413-6999 Link</p> <p>&nbsp;Azmi S. Abdulbaki and Abd Abrahim Mosslah. &quot; Hybrid Proposed Model For Automatic License Plate Recognition and Distinction (ALPRD)&quot;, Iraqi association of information, <strong>Year</strong>: 2016&nbsp;<strong>Volume</strong>: 7&nbsp;<a href=";isId=6779">Issue</a><a href=";isId=6779">: 2</a>, <strong>ISSN</strong>: 19948638/26640600 Link? &nbsp;</p> <p>Azmi S. Abdulbaqi, Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh H. Mahdi.&quot; TCDR based on Efficiency and Accuracy of the Intelligent Systems&quot;, International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT2016) Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Azmi S. Abdulbaqi , Reyadh H. Mahdi, Abd Abrahim Mosslah. &quot; Biometrics Detection and Recognition Based-on Geometrical Features Extraction&quot;, 2018 International Conference on Advances in Sustainable Engineering and Applications (ICASEA), Wasit University, Kut, Iraq. EID:&nbsp;2-s2.0-85048876432. DOI:&nbsp;<a href="" target="orcid.blank">10.1109/ICASEA.2018.8370956</a>&nbsp;Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh H. Mahdi. &quot; 3DMM Fitting for 3D Face Reconstruction&quot;, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 13(24),10482-10489,2018. &nbsp;EID:&nbsp;2-s2.0-85059119186, DOI:&nbsp;<a href="" target="orcid.blank">10.3923/jeasci.2018.10482.10489</a>&nbsp;Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah. &quot; Telemedicine Medical Image Compression based on ROI&nbsp;&nbsp; (A Case Study of Spine Medical Images)&quot;, Journal of Global Pharma Technology, 2018; 10(03):184-190, EID:&nbsp;2-s2.0-85050752597 Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Azmi S. Abdulbaqi, Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh H. &quot; RSS Healthcare Quality Management in Cloud Computing Papers&quot;, The International Journal of Engineering and Science (IJES), volume 7, Issue: 5, Ver.: III, pp 29-34, DOI:10.9790/1813-0705032934 Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah. &quot;A Study of Accuracy of Data Mining Algorithms in Diagnosis of Emphysema Disease (EmD)&quot;, Diyala Journal For Pure Sciences, Vol: 1 4 No:2, April 2018.&nbsp;&nbsp; P-ISSN: 2222-8373, DOI :&nbsp; Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh Hazim Mahdi, Shokhan M Al-Barzinji. &quot;<a href="" target="_blank">Brain-Computer</a><a href="">&nbsp;Interface for Biometric Authentication by Recording Signa</a>&quot;, The International Journal of Multimedia &amp; Its Applications (IJMA) Vol.11, No.03, June 2019. DOI:10.5121/ijma.2019.11302 Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Azmi Tawfek Hussein Alrawi, Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Mohammed Gheni Alwan. &quot; <a href="">Performance Evaluation for Face Database</a>&quot;, Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University / Vol. 55 No. 1 Feb. 2020.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>DOI?10.35741/issn.0258-2724.55.1.39 Link</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Riyadh Hazim Mahdi,&nbsp;and Mohammed Ghani Alwan. &ldquo;Performance Analysis ECG Signals Noise Removal Techniques: A Review&rdquo;, IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE), e-ISSN: 2278-0661,p-ISSN: 2278-8727, Volume 20, Issue 6, Ver. II (Nov - Dec 2017), PP 85-88</p> <p>&nbsp;Abd Abrahim Mosslah, Reyadh Hazim Mahdi and Hind Khalil Abraham. &quot;Efficient JPEG-LS for Lossless Compression of Rib Cage with Visual Quality Preservation&quot;, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2021 WCE 2021, July 7-9, 2021, London, U.K. ISBN: 978-988-14049-2-3 ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)</p> <p>Alwan MG, AL-Brazinji SM, Mosslah A.A,&nbsp;&nbsp;Automatic panoramic medical image stitching improvement based on feature-based approach.Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences,&nbsp;2022, 10(2), pp. 155&ndash;163</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah and Amel H. Abbas. &quot;An Analysis of Image Processing In Forestry and Agriculture Review&quot;, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental&nbsp; Science, 1202 (2023) 012003, &nbsp;ISSN: 1755-1315. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1202/1/012003</p> <p>Shokhan M Al-Barzinji, Abd Abrahim Mosslah, &nbsp;Reyadh Hazim Mahdi &quot;Machine Learning Methods for Weed Recognition in Corn Fields: A Review&quot;, 2023; 3(4):230-242, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies.ISSN:2583-049x</p> <p>&nbsp;Abd Abrahim Mosslah, &nbsp;Shokhan M Al-Barzinji, Reyadh Hazim Mahdi &quot;Machine Learning Methods for Weed Recognition in Corn Fields: A Review&quot;&nbsp;International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud. 2023; 3(4):230-242, ISSN:2583-049x</p> <p>Alwan MG, AL-Brazinji SM, Mosslah A.A,&nbsp;&nbsp;Automatic panoramic medical image stitching improvement based on feature-based approach.Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences,&nbsp;2022, 10(2), pp. 155&ndash;163</p> <p>Abd Abrahim Mosslah and Amel H. Abbas. &quot;An Analysis of Image Processing In Forestry and Agriculture Review&quot;, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental&nbsp; Science, 1202 (2023) 012003, &nbsp;ISSN: 1755-1315. doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1202/1/012003</p> <p>Shokhan M Al-Barzinji, Abd Abrahim Mosslah, &nbsp;Reyadh Hazim Mahdi &quot;Machine Learning Methods for Weed Recognition in Corn Fields: A Review&quot;, 2023; 3(4):230-242, International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies.ISSN:2583-049x</p> <p>&nbsp;Abd Abrahim Mosslah, &nbsp;Shokhan M Al-Barzinji, Reyadh Hazim Mahdi &quot;Machine Learning Methods for Weed Recognition in Corn Fields: A Review&quot;&nbsp;International Journal of Advanced Multidisciplinary Research and Studies, Int. j. adv. multidisc. res. stud. 2023; 3(4):230-242, ISSN:2583-049x</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


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