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PhD in Islamic sciences

Jurisprudence - Islamic Sciences

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<p>1 (From the provisions and issues of the dowry as one of the wife&rsquo;s financial rights). The first scientific conference of the College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar 2008.<br /> 2 (Sale of peace - its legitimacy and ruling - legitimate applied methods). Journal of the University College of Knowledge - Ramadi 1/2/2009<br /> 3 (From the provisions of the pregnant woman in Islamic jurisprudence). Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences 4/13/2009<br /> 4 (The difference between authorization and power of attorney in divorce). Journal of Religious Studies - House of Wisdom - Baghdad 7/6/2009<br /> 5 (The opinions of Al-Hasan bin Ali Abi Talib - may God be pleased with them - jurisprudence on purity and prayer). Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences 15/4/2010<br /> 6 (The narrations of Asad bin Amr on the authority of Abu Hanifa, between their opposition to the apparent narration and their conformity with the principles of the doctrine). Journal of the College of Sharia - Iraqi University second issue 8/3/2012<br /> 7 (from the jurisprudence provisions of the Medina Document). The First Scientific Conference (Madinah Al-Munawwarah Document) Kufa Studies Center - Najaf 12-13 February 2012.<br /> 8 (The rooting of contemporary jurisprudence issues between purposes and texts). The Second Scientific Conference, College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar 12-13 April / 2012 AD.<br /> 9 (Best Luck in the Greater Hajj - Study and Investigation). Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences</p> <p>10 (Imam Muhammad bin Muhammad bin Abi Sharif Al-Maqdisi (d. 906 AH) and his approach in the introductions to his book Al-Durar Al-Lawa`` in Tahrir Sharh Jam` Al-Jami`). Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences</p> <p>11 &bull;(Imam Al-Tahawi&rsquo;s violations of the imams of his doctrine in marriage, divorce and manumission through his book, Explanation of the Meanings of Athars). Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences</p> <p>12 (from the provisions of non-Muslim minorities in the Muslim community). Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences - University of Baghdad Issue (44) 30/12/2015<br /> 13 (Realistic doctrinal applications in the jurisprudence of priorities in Hajj and its effects). Journal of Religious Studies - House of Wisdom - Baghdad 15/2/2015<br /> 14 (Sheikh Abd al-Ghani al-Nabulsi al-Hanbali&rsquo;s fundamentalist preferences in his book Summary of Investigation in Explanation of the Ruling of Tradition and Fabrication). Journal of the Faculty of Sharia and Law - Tanta - Al-Azhar University Issue (842) in 2017.</p>


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<p>The First Scientific Conference (Islamic Studies in Anbar - Authenticity and Renewal) April / 2008 AD. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar Researcher<br /> Scientific Symposium (School of Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Samarrai) 2009 AD. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar attending<br /> Scientific Symposium (The Origins of Manuscript Investigation) 2010 AD. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar working paper<br /> Scientific Symposium (Projects and Investment Opportunities in Anbar Governorate) 2010. College of Administration and Economics - University of Anbar Attending to represent the college<br /> Scientific Symposium (Contemporary Financial Transactions) 2011. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar, director of the symposium<br /> Scientific Symposium (Rule of Dealing with Ma&#39;an Trading Group) 2011 AD. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar Director of the symposium<br /> Scientific symposium (blood money between Sharia and custom) 2012. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar, director of the symposium<br /> The First Scientific Conference (Madinah Al-Munawwarah Document) 12-13 February 2012. Kufa Studies Center - Najaf Researcher<br /> Scientific Symposium (The Impact of Drugs on Society and Ways to Treat It) 28/3/2012 College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar Symposium Director<br /> The Second Scientific Conference (Towards a Better Scientific Approach to Understanding Islamic Sciences) 12-13 April / 2012 AD. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar Researcher<br /> The Thirteenth Scientific Conference (Muslim Society - Constants and Variables) 20-22/10/2012 AD. Muslim World League - Makkah Al Mukarramah Researcher<br /> Scientific Symposium (Financial and Administrative Corruption - Its Causes and Methods of Remediation) 12/6/2012. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar, director of the symposium<br /> Scientific Symposium (Orientalists&#39; Suspicions about the Prophet&#39;s Sunnah and Response to It) 12/19/2012 AD. Department of Creed, College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar Attending<br /> The Great Hajj Symposium entitled (Jurisprudence of Priorities in Hajj) 1434 AH 2013 AD, Saudi Ministry of Hajj. Researcher<br /> Scientific Symposium (Let&#39;s Work Together for a Clean Modern Environment) 2013. College of Basic Education in Haditha - University of Anbar Working Paper<br /> Scientific Symposium (Social Relations in the Islamic Perspective) 2014 AD Department of Fundamentals of Religion - Heet - College of the Great Imam University</p> <p>Scientific Symposium (Administrative Leadership in Islamic Thought, Rooting and Application) 2016. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar - Kirkuk website Director of the symposium<br /> Scientific symposium (Drugs and their bad effect on the individual and society) November 14, 2016. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar - Ramadi Director of the symposium<br /> Scientific Symposium (The Impact of Administrative Leaders on Eliminating Administrative and Financial Corruption) December 29, 2016. College of Islamic Sciences - University of Anbar - Ramadi Director of the symposium<br /> Scientific symposium (Increasing the rates of divorce cases before the courts - their causes, consequences and ways to reduce them) January 18, 2017. University College of Knowledge - Ramadi Attending<br /> Scientific Symposium (Negative Effects of Drugs on Individual Behaviors) 4/4/2017. College of Islamic Sciences - Anbar University - Ramadi Attending</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Preparing six awareness booklets to be used in educating students in particular and members of society in general Participation in several evaluation committees for competitions for the Holy Qur&rsquo;an in the city of Hit<br /> Preparing at least fifteen educational brochures to inculcate Arab and Islamic customs and traditions among the members of the community Giving awareness lectures in the city of Hit</p>