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Abdullah Ibrahim Rahim (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Explanation

Science Koran - Education for Women

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<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;name:&nbsp; Abdullah Ibrahim Rahim Jaddi Al-Hiti</p> <p>Date of Birth: 9/7/1972</p> <p>Marital status: married</p> <p>Number of Children: 4</p> <p>Religion: Muslim</p> <p>Specialization: Fundamentals of Religion / Interpretation</p> <p>Position: Teaching</p> <p>Academic degree: Assistant Professor</p> <p>Work Address: Anbar University / College of Education for Girls</p> <p>Mobile phone: 07808581818</p> <p>Email:&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>1) The reality of hypocrites and their behavioral phenomena and some of their characteristics in light of Surat Al-Ahzab (objective study) Second Conference of the College of Education for Girls / Iraqi University / Issue 21 / year 2009</p> <p>2) The behavioral phenomena of the hypocrites in the Badr and Ahad invasions (objective study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Year 2010</p> <p>3) The reality of hypocrites, their behavioral phenomena and some of their characteristics in light of Surat Al-Hypocrites / Al-Ustad Magazine / year 2011</p> <p>4) The concept of the word and its connotation in the Holy Quran / Journal of Religion Studies - House of Wisdom_ Baghdad / Issue 23 / year 2012 AD</p> <p>5) Uncommon pronunciation in the Noble Qur&rsquo;an (objective study) Journal of the College of Sharia / Iraqi University / year 2012 AD</p> <p>6) The methodology of Sheikh Abdul Hamid Yen Mahmoud bin Tahmaz in his interpretation of the Noble Qur&rsquo;an (Surat Al-Baqara as a model) The Second Conference of the College of Islamic Sciences - Anbar University / Issue 38 / year 2012</p> <p>7) Verses related to plowing in the Noble Qur&rsquo;an (Analytical Study) &ldquo;Principle&rdquo; Journal of the Iraqi University / year 2015 AD</p> <p>8) Verses related to insects in the Holy Quran (analytical study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 22 / year 2015</p> <p>9) The constants of blood money in the Noble Qur&rsquo;an and its variables in the prevailing custom in Iraq / Journal of the College of Islamic Sciences - University of Baghdad / Issue 44 / year 2015</p> <p>10) The concept of movement and its relationship to time in the Holy Quran / Journal of the College of the Great Imam (may God Almighty have mercy on him) Issue 21 / year 2015</p> <p>11) Interpretation of the Qur&rsquo;an with the Qur&rsquo;an among the Companions and Taabi'een in Surat Al-Anbiya (Collection and Study) Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 34 / year 2018</p> <p>12) The phenomenon of intolerance and ways to address it in light of the Holy Qur&rsquo;an and the Sunnah of the Prophet / First International Conference of Anbar University / Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences / Issue 37 / year 2018</p>




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