Staff Portal
Abed Mahmoud Aziz Mohammed (Professor)

PhD in Fiqh

Jurisprudence - Islamic Sciences

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<p>Name: A.M.D. Abdul Mahmoud Aziz</p> <p>Date of Birth: 1/4/1966 AD</p> <p>Marital status: married</p> <p>number of boys:</p> <p>Religion: Muslim</p> <p>Specialization: Jurisprudence and its Origins - Comparative Jurisprudence<br /> Position: Teaching<br /> Academic degree: Professor<br /> Work address: University of Anbar / College of Islamic Sciences</p> <p>Mobile phone: 07822225012</p>


<p>Ruling on praying for the separated members of the deceased 2004<br /> Ruling on witnessing the return and informing the wife of it 2008<br /> Ruling on a boy leading the prayer in 2008<br /> Debt deferred to urgent or effective 2011<br /> Ruling on demonstrations in Islam 2012<br /> Methods of concluding the will in Sharia and law 2017<br /> Imam Al-Omrani&rsquo;s Preferences for Hajj 2015</p>


# المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة