Ismail Radif Yousef Mohammed (Assistant Professor)
PhD in Interpretation
Quran Sciences -
Education for Humanities
<pre> a.m.d. Ismail Redif Yusef Al-Obeidi Date of birth: 22/7/1964 Marital status: Married Religion Muslim Specialization: Interpretation Position: teaching Academic degree: assistant professor Work address: Anbar University - College of Education for Human Sciences, Department of Quran Sciences and Islamic Education Mobile: 07830103444 University email:</pre>
<pre> Authoring the book “The Psychological Building of the Islamic Personality in the Holy Qur’an”. 2019</pre>
Bachelor's degree, University of Baghdad, College of Islamic Sciences, 1985 Master's degree, University of Baghdad, College of Islamic Sciences, 1997. PhD, University of Baghdad, College of Islamic Sciences, 2003.
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