Qassem Abdul Majid Zaki (Assistant Lecturer)
MSc in Field Crops
Hostel -
University of Anbar
<p>name: Qasim Abdulmajed Zaki </p> <p>Certificate: master of agriculture Sciences</p> <p>Specialization:feild crops</p> <p>the scientific titile : Assistant teacher</p> <p>Workplace : University Haedquarter-dep. Accomodation of Affirs</p> <p>Social Status : Married</p> <p>Number of children: 4 </p> <p> </p>
<p>1_ Effect of Potash Fertilization on the Growth Yield and it's Components for Fifteen Genotypes of Bread Wheat )Tricitum aestivum L.(<br /> Ahmed Hawas Abdulla* and Qasim Abdull-Majeed Zaki</p> <p>2_STABILITY ANALYSIS IN SOME BREAD WHEAT (Triticum aestivum L.) GENOTYPES<br /> A. H. A. Anees, Kh. M. D. Al-Zubaidy<br /> IRAQ JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH<br /> 2017, Volume 22, Issue 10, Pages</p> <p>3_The Potential Role of Transposable Elements as<br /> Molecular Markers</p> <p> </p>
bakaluryus from Uneversity of anbar- college of agriculture- field crop dep. 2004-2005
majistir from Uneversity of tikrit-college of agriculture- field crop dep. 2013-2014
No Certificates Available
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<p>1- collaborative conference of modern agricultural technologies (ICCMAT)</p>