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Ahmeed Sulaiman Farhan (Lecturer)

MSc in computer science
Computer Center - Scientific Centers

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<p>Ahmeed Suliman Farhan has received B.Sc. in Information System Department, AlAnbar University, Iraq, (2007-2011). Also He received M.Sc. in Computer Science Department (2011-2013), Al-Anabar University. The fields of interest are: Multimedia Compression, Image and Video Processing, Computer Vision, Robot Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Information Security.&nbsp;</p>


<ol> <li><strong>Ahmeed Suliman Farhan</strong>, Sudad H. Abed and Fouad H. Awad, Color Image Encryption with a Key Generated by Using Magic Square, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 13 (8): 2038-2041, 2018.</li> <li>Fouad H. Awad, Reem Ibrahim Hasan,&nbsp; <strong>Ahmeed S. Farhan</strong> and Laith Alzubaidi, CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIVAL USING COMBINATION HISTOGRAM AND MOMENT METHODS, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 15th August 2018. Vol.96. No 15.</li> <li><strong>Ahmed S. Farhan</strong>, Wadhah Z. Tareq and Fouad H. Awad, Solving N Queen Problem using Genetic Algorithm, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 &ndash; 8887) Volume 122 &ndash; No.12, July 2015.</li> <li>Belal Al-Khateeb and <strong>Ahmeed Suliman </strong>Design and Implementation of a Goolkeeper Robot, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Cihan University, Erbil, IRAQ, 2014.</li> <li>Ali Makki Sagheer, <strong>Ahmeed Suliman Farhan</strong> and Ahmed Fawzi Shafeeq, Content Based Image Retrieval using Mean Method, International Journal of Business and ICT, December 2015, Vol.1, No.3-4.</li> <li>Ali Makki Sagheer, <strong>Ahmeed Suliman Farhan</strong> and Loay E. George, Fast Intra-frame Compression for Video Conferencing using Adaptive Shift Coding, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 &ndash; 8887) Volume 81 &ndash; No.8, November 2013.</li> <li>Ali Makki Sagheer, Sudad Hazem Abed and <strong>&nbsp;Ahmed Sleman Farhan</strong>, Design of Robot for Automatic&nbsp; Object Gripping and Monitoring, in Proceeding of the First International Scientific Conference, Human Development University, Sulaymaniyah, IRAQ, 2014.</li> </ol> <ol start="8"> <li>Belal Ismaeel Al-Kateeb, Mohammed A. Abdul-jabbar, Sumaya Abdullah and <strong>Ahmed S. Farhan</strong>, &quot;Enhanced Google-Based Semantic Category Search&quot;, Journal of University of Human Development, Vol.1 No.4, September 2015.</li> <li>Saif Saad, Yousif Hardsif and <strong>Ahmeed suliman</strong>, &quot;Energy Efficient Leach Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network&quot;, International Journal of Scientific Engineering Technology Research, Vol.05, Issue.09, April 2016.</li> <li><strong>Ahmed S. Farhan</strong>, Fouad H. Awad, Khitam Abdulbasit, and Mohammed Adeeb, &quot;The proposed two shift coding Based Compression Techniques&quot;, International Conference on current research In Computer Science And Information Technology 26th-27th-2017,&nbsp; Held by University of Human Development &ndash; Kurdistan &ndash;Iraq, In Partnership with IEEE Iraq.</li> <li><strong>Ahmed S.Farhan</strong>, Fouad H. Awad and Saif Saad, &quot;Enhance the Hiding Image by Using Compression and Securing Techniques, Iraqi Journal for Computers and Informatics, Vol.(43) Issue(1) 2017.</li> <li><strong>Ahmeed S. Farhan</strong>, Fouad H. Awad and Meaad A. Khalaf, &quot;Lossless Image Compression using Shift coding&quot;,International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 &ndash; 8887) Volume 180 &ndash; No.23, February 2018.</li> </ol>


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