Wisam Dhari Jalal (Assistant Lecturer)
MSc in Laser and Electro-Optics Physics
Physics -
<p>Date of Birth: 19th may, 1985</p> <p>Nationality: Iraqi</p> <p>Languages: Arabic, English</p> <p>Adress: Iraq-Anbar-Ramadi</p> <p> </p> <p><u>Education:</u></p> <p>B.Sc. Physics, College of Science, University of Anbar. 2008-2009</p> <p>M.Sc. Laser and Electro-Optics Physics, College of Science, University of Baghdad. 2018</p>
<p>Mohammed T. Hussein* and Wisam D. Jalal, The Short Laser Pulse to Create Micro-Plasma for Identification of<br /> Kidney Stone Elements, india, Indian Journal of Natural Sciences, 2018, Vol.8 / Issue 47 / April 2018 link: <a href="http://www.tnsroindia.org.in/" target="_blank">http://www.tnsroindia.org.in/</a></p>
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<p>Patent, Design of New High Resolution Laser Spectroscopy System for Diagnosing of Kidney Stone, 6/2/2020</p>