ammar mohammed abdullah (Assistant Lecturer)
MSc in organic chemistry
Chemistry -
<p>Name ammar mohammed abdullah</p> <p>Date of brith 1/1/1980</p> <p>Adress Anbar- Saqlawiyah</p> <p> B.SC. Chemistry - College of Science - University of Anbar</p> <p> M.SC. Organic chemistry - College of Science - University of Anbar</p> <p> </p>
<p>Mohammad F. Mesher Al-Dulaymmi &<span style="color:#e74c3c"> Ammar Mohammed Abdullah</span> .Journal of Global Pharma Technology | 2019| Vol. 11| Issue 09 (Suppl.) |475-485 (synthesis and characterization of new imines-imides functionalized compounds derived from trimethoprim moiety supplemented with aminothiazole </p>
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<p>Graduation project supervisor</p>