Ali Najah Mohammed Hussein (Assistant Professor)
PhD in Islamic history
History -
Education for Humanities
<p>Specialization: recent history -Specialization: History of the Arabian Gulf</p>
<p>1-The impact of the oil embargo on Saudi-American relations 1973-1975Anbar University Journal for Humanities / Fourth Issue / Fourth Volume / 2018</p> <p>2-British - French rivalry in Oman 1806-1829Journal of the University College of Knowledge</p> <p>3-Najd - Kuwaiti border disputes 1922-1925 and the impact of the conferences on themJournal of Historical Studies / House of Wisdom / Baghdad / No. 43/2016</p> <p>4-Qatar, 1887-1913, a study of its administrative and economic conditions through Ottoman documentsTikrit University Journal for Humanities / Issue 11 / Volume 25/2018Iraqi - Lebanese Trade Exchange 1958-1963Journal of Historical and Civilization Studies / Salahuddin Center / Tikrit University</p>
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