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Ammar Awad Farhan Abdullah (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Psychology

Psychology - Education for Humanities

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<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp; 1-Ammar Awad Farhan Abdullah</p> <p>2- Teacher of mental health and positive psychology / elementary studies<br /> 3- Teacher of cognitive psychology and growth psychology / graduate studies<br /> 4- Scientific interests: mental health, emotions, and physiological psychology</p> <p>BSc from the Faculty of Arts / Al-Mustansiriya University 1995</p> <p>Master degree from the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / University of Algiers 2002<br /> PhD from the College of Arts / University of Baghdad 2009</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ammar. A. Farhan,(&nbsp;2018)<strong>Death anxiety and its relationship to depression among Anbar University students returning from displacement and displacement, </strong>Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, Issue Four, Volume IV, 2018,;aId=158130</p> <p>Abdul K. Obaidr. Ammar A. Farhan, <strong>Psychological pain among faculty members at Anbar University,</strong> Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, Second Issue - Volume Two, December 2015, https: // Func = fulltext &amp; aId = 144787</p> <p>&nbsp;Nuria H. Muhammad, . Ammar A. Farhan, <strong>Violence in television programs and their impact on child behavior and mental health from different perspectives,</strong> Iraqi University Journal (Principle): Issue 37 / Volume 2 in 2017,;aId = 139153</p> <p>Ammar A. Farhan, <strong>Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Anbar University Students Returning from Displacement and Displacement, Educational and Psychological</strong> Research Center / University of Baghdad Proceedings of the Annual Scientific Conference (World Mental Health Day) 2018</p> <p>&nbsp;Ammar A. Farhan, Eng. Sabreen Ali Hussein,(&nbsp;2019&nbsp;)<strong>The effectiveness of a program based on the belief in world justice in reducing the level of persecutory thinking among the displaced, Anbar University </strong>Journal of Human Sciences in the second issue of</p> <p>Ammar A. Farhan, The psychological effects of displacement and displacement among students of Anbar University, Center for Strategic Studies / Anbar University 2018</p> <p>Moaz A.&nbsp; Hassan, . Ammar A. Farhan,&nbsp; Safa H. Turki, . Danouri S. Abdullah, M.D. Ban N. Abdel( 2019) <strong>The Social, Economic, Health and Psychological Effects of Displacement on Anbar Society</strong> (Field Study), Center for Strategic Studies / Anbar University&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;P.F Ammar Awad Farhan &amp; Prof. Dr. Fouad Muhammad Freeh: <strong>Emotional intelligence and its relationship to depression among university students 2021</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;A,PROF.&nbsp; Ammar Awad Farhan: <strong>The meaning of life among students of the Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences in the College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Anbar 2022</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;Naji Rmeidh &amp; Associate Professor Ammar Awad Farhan: <strong>Self-awareness and its relationship to cognitive style, risk-taking - caution among university students 2022</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


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