Staff Portal
Ali Mowafaq Saleh Haraj (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in Soil And Water Resources
General Science - Basic Education - Haditha

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<p>Ali Muwaffaq Saleh Al-Alusi</p> <p>Born: 6/4/1989</p> <p>General specialty: Master&rsquo;s in Agricultural Sciences Specific specialization: Soil and Water Resources</p> <p>Sciences Scientific title:</p> <p>Assistant Lecturer</p> <p>1- Member of the Syndicate of Agricultural</p> <p>Engineers Positions he held</p> <p>1- Officer of the Training and Technical Support Unit at the College of Basic Education - Current from 3/7/2023 until 9/14/2023</p> <p>2- Rapporteur of the Department of General Sciences in the College of Basic Education - current from 8/29/2023</p>




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<p>Skills, experience, and thanks</p> <p>Member of the Anbar University Committee, a green</p> <p>oasis Participant in many permanent and temporary committees Received a letter of thanks and appreciation from His Excellency the Minister of Higher Education, number 4.</p> <p>Received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the President of the University, number 5.</p> <p>Received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the deans of the college, number 14.</p>