Sajjad Abdulmunem Mustafa Hussein (Lecturer)
PhD in Modern and Contemporary History
History -
Education for Humanities
<p>Lecturer Phd. Sajjad Abdulmunem Mustafa</p> <p>D.O.B: 23/08/1985 Basra- Iraq</p> <p>Address: Iraq- Ramadi City</p> <p>E- Mail:</p> <p>Tel: 07700129272</p>
<p>1- Military Cooperation between Saudi arabia and Britain 1953-1964</p> <p>2- The Cultural relations between Saudi Arabia and Britain 1953-1964</p> <p>3- The Position of the Jordanian press on the incident of the storming of Al. Masjid Al. Haram in 1979 (Al- Dustour newspaper as a model)</p> <p>4- The plane hijacking incident in September 1970 (in light of American Documents)</p>
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