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Safa Hamid Turki Rashid (Assistant Professor)

PhD in Social Psychology

Psychology - Education for Humanities

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<p>Name: Safaa Hamed Turki Al-Rashed</p> <p>&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>Date of birth: 1959</p> <p>Marital status: Married</p> <p>Number of children: 4</p> <p>Religion: Muslim</p> <p>Major: Psychology<br /> Position: University professor<br /> Academic degree:&nbsp; Professor, Doctor<br /> Work address: Anbar University - College of Education for Human Sciences - Department of Educational and Psychological Sciences</p> <p>Work Phone &nbsp; :</p> <p>Mobile: 07902669175</p>


<p>[ &#8295; The stereotype of university students about some ethnic groups. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Kazem Mahmoud, Eng. M. Safaa Hamid Turki, published in the yearbook of the Center for Psychological and Educational Research, April 2005, Iraq.</p> <p><br /> Rationality and its relationship to the modified opinion on the Internet. Published in the Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Issue 76 in 2010, Iraq, ISSN: 2077-8694</p> <p><br /> &quot;Environmental education and its relationship to the egoistic orientation of university students&quot; published in the Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences. Issue 3 September 2011 Iraq ISSN: 1995-8463.</p> <p><br /> Self-protection and its relationship to social neglect among university students. Published in the Journal of Educational and Psychological Research, University of Baghdad, Issue 34 in 2012, Iraq. ISSN: 1819-2068.</p> <p><br /> The psychological and social causes of fanaticism, Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, Issue 1, March 2016, Iraq. ISSN:1995-8963.<br /> Striving to preserve dignity and aggression among university students. Published in An-Najah National University Journal, An-Najah University Journal for Research (Human Sciences) Volume (33) Issue (12) K1 2019 Prof. Dr. Safaa Hamed Turki.<br /> Psychological flow and its relationship to future thinking among postgraduate students. Published in the Journal of Psychological Educational Research, No. 59, 2018. ISSN: 1819-2060, .<br /> Measuring the level of self-control of working women, Prof. Dr. Safaa Hamed Turki, researcher Hind Nuri Rashid, Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, Issue Two of 2019, ISSN: 1995-8963</p> <p><br /> Psychological energy and its relationship to job immersion among the employees of the University of Anbar, researcher Hala Khudair Soker, Prof. Dr. Safaa Hamid Turki, Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences, third issue of 2020, ISSN: 1995-8963.<br /> Pride and its relationship to psychological security among university students, Prof. Dr. Safaa Hamed Turki, Journal of Anbar University for Human Sciences, first issue, March 2019, ISSN: 1995-8963</p>


[ ⁧ Psychological flow and its relationship to future thinking among postgraduate students in educational and psychological sciences 2016-2017
Self-control and its relationship to fear of failure among working women, Educational and Psychological Sciences 2017-2018
Psychological rebellion and its relationship to academic procrastination among middle school students returning from displacement   Educational and Psychological Sciences 2018-2019
Psychological energy and its relationship to job immersion among the employees of Anbar University Educational and Psychological Sciences 2018-2019
Cultural intelligence and its relationship to empathy among university students, educational and psychological sciences 2019-2020
The struggle of perfection and its relationship to self-regulation for a full professor at the University of Anbar, Educational and Psychological Sciences 2019-2020

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