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Abdul-Jabbar Mahmoud Shreims Badi Al-Dulaimi(professor ) pHD in History of Islamic .Andalusian Head of Department Hiistory :Educatian for Humanities (Professor)

PhD in Name:prof. Abdul-Jabbar Mahmoud Shreims Badi Al-D

History - Education for Humanities

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<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Dr. Abdul-Jabbar Mahmoud Shreims Badi Al-Dulaimi</p> <p>Date of birth: 5/1/1965</p> <p>Major: Islamic history<br /> Marital status: Married<br /> Work: Anbar University - College of Education for Human Sciences<br /> Mailing address: University of Anbar - College of Education for Humanities / Department of History<br /> Mobile: 07824928700<br /> E-mail</p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


No Information .


Bachelor's degree, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 1987
Master's degree, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 1994
PhD, University of Baghdad, Iraq, 2000

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