Saadoun Zahir Khalaf Shafi (Assistant Professor)
PhD in Agricultural Geography
Geographic -
Education for Humanities
<p>Name: Saadoon Dhahir Kalf ALdolam</p> <p>Date of Birth: 1-1-1979</p> <p>Religion: Muslem</p> <p>Martial statues: Married</p> <p>No. of children: 5</p> <p>Specialization: AqriculturalGeoqraphy </p> <p>Position:</p> <p>Scientific Degree: Dr. prof assistant</p> <p>Work Address: Anbar- Faculty of Human Education </p> <p>Work Phone: 0000000</p> <p>Mobile: 07806089596 </p> <p>E-mail:</p>
<p>1- The effect of irrigation canals and drainage projects on agriculture in the rural areas of Ramadi.</p> <p>2- Urban expansion at the expense of agricultural lands in the countryside of Ramadi city center, Taleh district (model for the study).</p> <p>3- The human factors affecting the change in the cultivation of cereal crops in the districts of Fallujah and Al-Qaim.</p> <p>4- The problems facing cereal cultivation in the districts of Fallujah and Al-Qaim.</p> <p>5- Analysis of morphometric properties (elevations and slopes) of the surface of Anbar Governorate, using geomatics techniques.</p> <p>6- A map of the expansion of the city of Al-Qaim across the geographical environment and determining its future directions.</p> <p>7- Geographical distribution of protected agriculture in Sulaymaniyah Governorate.</p>
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