Abdul Karim Obeid Juma Saud (Assistant Professor)
PhD in General Psychology
Psychology -
Education for Humanities
<p><strong>1- Abdul Karim Obeid Juma Alkubaisy</strong></p> <p><strong>2- General Psychology</strong></p> <p><strong>3-Postgraduate Rapporteur</strong></p> <p><strong>3- Member of the College's Scientific Promotion Committee</strong></p> <p><strong>4- Member of the examination committee in the department</strong></p> <p><strong> 5- BA in Psychology, College of Arts, Baghdad 1983</strong></p> <p><strong>6- Master of Psychology, College of Arts, Al-Mustansiriya University, 1989</strong></p> <p><strong>7- PhD in Psychology, Ceolleg of Arts, University of Baghdad, 1996</strong></p> <p><strong>8- Mobile : 07905994466</strong></p> <p> </p>
<p> <strong>1 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumaa, Ammar Awad Farhan (2015), Psychological pain among faculty members at Anbar University, Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences, Issue 2.</strong></p> <p><strong> 2 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumaa (2016), Measuring the quality of life among faculty members at the university (a comparative cultural study) for samples (Libyan, Iraqi and Egyptian), Journal of Psychological and Educational Sciences, University of Baghdad, Issue 49. Link: http://jperc.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/jperc/article/view/315</strong></p> <p><strong> 3 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul Karim Obaid Jumaa (2016), Future anxiety and its relationship to the meaning of life among displaced students in the College of Education, Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences, Issue 1.</strong></p> <p><strong> 4 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumaa (2016), Multiple Intelligences and their Relation to High and Low Academic Achievement among Students of the College of Education (Comparative Study), Journal of Arts, Literature, Humanities and Sociology, UAE Issue No. 5. Link: http://www.jalhss.com/old/ Fifth Issue</strong></p> <p><strong> 5 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumaa, Elaf Hamid Musa (2018) Measuring the level of intolerance (a field study on a sample of Anbar University students), Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences, Issue 4.<br /> 6 - Al-Kubaisy, Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumaa, Psychological Motives to Join Terrorist Groups and Carry out Terrorist Behavior (2019) Journal of Arts, University of Baghdad, Special Issue of the College of Arts Conference, December.<br /> http://aladabj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/aladabjournal/issue/view/26<br /> 7 - Zainab Haydar Diyab, Abdul Karim Obaid Juma Al Kubaisy, (2020) Positive thinking and its relationship to the personality dimension (extraversion - introversion) among postgraduate students. Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences, Issue: 1, Volume: 2 (March) Link: http://juah.uoanbar.edu.iq//catalog/9(3).pdf<br /> 8 - Ahmed Kamel Abd Kazem, Prof.D. Abdul-Karim Obaid Jumah Al-Kubaisy (2020) Crystallized intelligence and its relationship to personality traits among middle school students, Anbar University Journal of Human Sciences, Issue: 2, Volume: 2 (June) http://juah.uoanbar.edu.iq//catalog/8 ( 5) .pdf<br /> 9 - Elaf Hamid Moussa, Prof.D. Abdul Karim Obaid Al-Kubaisy (2020) Intellectual stagnation and its relationship to intolerance among students of Anbar University, Journal of Arts, University of Baghdad, Issue 134 (September).<br /> http://aladabj.uobaghdad.edu.iq/index.php/aladabjournal/issue/view/28</strong></p> <p style="text-align:center"> </p>
1- (Intellectual stagnation and its relationship to intolerance among university students), an MA thesis submitted by Elaf Hamid Moussa, Educational Psychology, College of Education for Human Sciences, 2018.
2 - (Positive thinking and its relationship to the personality dimension (extraversion-introversion) among postgraduate students), MA thesis by student Zainab Haydar Diab, Educational Psychology, College of Education for Human Sciences, 2019.
3- (Crystallized intelligence and its relationship to personality traits among high school students), an MA thesis by student Ahmed Kamel Abdel Kazem, Educational Psychology, College of Education for Human Sciences, 2019.
4- Cognitive beliefs and their relationship to the test star among students of Anbar University, an MA thesis by student Marwa Nafi Ali, College of Education for Human Sciences, 2020
5- Abstract thinking and its relationship to cognitive bias among university students, an MA thesis by Maher Ahmed Freeh, College of Education for Human Sciences, 2020
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