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Salem Ismail Mustafa Abdel-Razzaq (Lecturer)

PhD in modren history

History - Education for Humanities

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<p>Name: Dr. Salem Ismail Mustafa Abdel-Razzaq Al-Faour</p> <p>Marital status: Married with 3 children</p> <p>Degree: PhD in Contemporary Modern History</p>


<p>The position of the United States of America on the penetration of communist influence in Iraq from the year (1963-1968) Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences 2012, No. 2</p> <p>Economic and cultural relations between the United States of America and Iraq 1958-1968 Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences 2021, Volume 1, Issue 1</p> <p>Economic and cultural relations between the United States of America and Iraq 1968-1972 Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences 2022, Volume 1, Issue 4</p>


Bachelor's degree, Anbar University, 2001

Master's degree, University of Anbar, 2013

Ph.D. University of Anbar 2020

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