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Ahmed Ghazi Mohaisen (Lecturer)

MSc in Master of English literature- Novel

English - Education for Humanities

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<p>Ahmed Ghazi Mohaisen</p> <p>Master of English Literature- Novel</p> <p></p> <p>Phone number:+9647824747877</p>


<p><strong>Ahmed Ghazi Mohaisen</strong>, &quot;Al Shismma&rsquo;s Character as a Justice Seeker and an Avenger in Ahmed Saadawi&rsquo;s Novel &ldquo;Frankenstein in Baghdad&rdquo;&quot; , International Journal of&nbsp; &nbsp; Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Volume 24 - Issue 5, 2020&nbsp;<a href="">Link</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Samer Abid Rasheed,&nbsp;<strong>Ahmed Ghazi Mohaisen</strong>, &quot;&nbsp;Shakespeare&rsquo;s King Lear: A Modern Psychoanalytical&quot;,&nbsp;Al-Adab Journal (ISSN: 1994473X) ,Vol 1 No 127 (2018): 127&nbsp;Issue&nbsp;<a href="">Link</a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


# المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة