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Raafat Nazar Muneer Al-Heety (Assistant Lecturer)

MSc in English Language and Linguistics

English - Education for Humanities

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<p>Name: Raafat Nazar Muneer Al-Heety</p> <p>Education: M.A in Linguistics</p> <p>Scientific Rank: Assistant Teacher</p> <p>Date of Birth: 5/9/1988</p> <p>Specialization: English Language and Linguistics</p> <p>Position: Teacher</p> <p>Affiliation: University of Anbar &ndash; College of Education for Humanities - Department of English</p> <p>Work Address: Anbar - Ramadi</p> <p>E-mail:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p>


<p>1- Raafat N Muneer Al-Heety,&quot;Teacher-Student Codeswitching at Selected Scientific Colleges at the University of Anbar&quot; - An M.A Thesis <a href="">Click Here To Purchase, ?</a></p> <p>2- Raafat Nazar M. Al-Heety, Muslih Shwaysh Ahmed,&quot;Functions of Teachers&#39; Codeswtiching at the College of Dentistry&quot;, 2016,&nbsp;<a href="">Link</a></p> <p>3- The Role of Metaphor in Advertisement Text: A Psycholinguistic and Structural Study&nbsp;<a href="">Click Here To Download ????</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>4- Waleed Shihan Muslih, Raafat N Muneer Al-Heety, &quot;The Use of Metaphorcity in the Poetry of Ezra Pound and Sylvia Plath: A Comparative Study&quot;, 2020,&nbsp;<a href="">Link</a></p> <p>5-&nbsp;Lengthening of Short Vowels Incorrectly Under the Effect of Some Factors as a Problem Facing Students of the University of Anbar Concerned with Studying EFL&nbsp;<a href="">Click here to download</a></p> <p>6-&nbsp;<span style="font-size:11.0pt"><span style="font-family:&quot;Arial&quot;,&quot;sans-serif&quot;"><span style="color:#323232">A Cross-cultural Pragmatic study of the Social Categories Governing Request Speech Act used in the Iraqi and Australian Academic Setting&nbsp;<a href="">Download</a></span></span></span></p>


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