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Farhan Mohammed Jassim Mohammed (Professor)

PhD in Maintenance of soil

Soil & Water Resources - Agriculture

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<p><strong>Full name:</strong> Farhan Mohammed Jassim Mohammed Al-Dulaimi</p> <p><strong>Born:</strong> 1/4/1964 / Ramadi - Anbar</p> <p><strong>General specialty:</strong> Soil and Water Sciences.</p> <p><strong>Subspecialty:</strong> soil and water conservation.</p> <p><strong>Academic degree:</strong> Professor / History of last title: 10/4/2011</p> <p><strong>Date of first appointment:</strong> 3/26/1994.</p> <p><strong>Current position: </strong>Head of the Department of Soil Sciences and Water Resources - College of Agriculture / Anbar University.</p> <p><strong>Phone:</strong> +9647902766847.</p>


<p>&nbsp;1-&nbsp;<a href="">Classification of some soils from province of Kirkuk and the statement extent of their sensitivity to desertification</a>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> <p>2-&nbsp;<a href="">STUDY OF RATAGA BASIN VALLEY (WESTERN OF IRAQ) CRUSTING AND ERODIBILITY BY WIND AND WATER</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>3-&nbsp;<a href="">Evaluation of the performance of different filters for sewage treatment Original Research</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>4-&nbsp;<a href="">STUDY OF RATAGA BASIN VALLEY (WESTERN OF IRAQ) CRUSTING AND ERODIBILITY BY WIND AND WATER</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>5-&nbsp;<a href="">Appropriate Evaluation of Soils Delta of Wadi Horan within Province of Upper Euphrates for Some Technologies of Irrigation Systems</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>6-&nbsp;<a href="">influence of land slope, some amendments addition and cultivation effects on runoff and soil loss in an alluvial soil</a>&nbsp;</p> <p>7-&nbsp;<a href="">prediction of surface and subsurface water distribution uniformities under center pivot system</a></p>


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