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Sadiq Khalaf Ayoub a (Professor)

PhD in Comparative jurisprudence

Science Koran - Education for Women

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<p>Dr.: Sadiq Khalaf Ayoub, born in 1972</p> <p>General Specialization: Islamic Sciences - Specialization - Comparative Jurisprudence.</p> <p>Doctorate thesis title: Settlement and its provisions in Islamic jurisprudence and Iraqi law</p> <p>Last scientific title: Professor - 14/14/2015</p> <p>Positions entrusted to him: Head of the Department of Quranic Sciences from 2004 to 2010 and from 2012 to 2016.</p> <p>Member of the Editorial Board of the Anbar University Journal of Islamic Sciences.</p> <p>Member of the Central Committee for Scientific Promotion.</p>


<p>: I.- (The impact of accidents ravaging countries on the reform of Islamic societies) Olain was published on the website -</p> <p>Second - (Reconciliation between Muslims to stop mass fighting) published in the Journal of the College of Education for Girls - Iraqi University - 2016</p> <p>Third - Joint Research (Scientific Innovations Related to Reading the Holy Quran) - Anbar University Journal for Islamic Sciences - 2018. Fourth - (The Sharia Effects of Ruling on Unfair Governance in Islamic Jurisprudence) - Previous Magazine - 2013. Fifth - (Suspicions that Islam Violated Women&#39;s Rights) - Anbar University Journal for Islamic Sciences 2011. Sixth: Joint research (the role of surveillance cameras in blackmailing others - a study in the light of Islamic law) Dar Al-Hekma Magazine - 2015. Seventh - (Distinguishing hidden person from dissent in Sharia rulings) Journal of Professor - Ibn Rushd - University of Baghdad-2010. Eighth - (Combating Women in Wars and its Provisions in Islamic Jurisprudence) Anbar University Journal for Humanities and Economic Sciences - 2005. IX - (The impact of the formation of infidels&#39; armies on the rule of combat) - Journal of Islamic Research and Studies - 2006. Tenth - (How to use peaceful methods to avoid wars in Islamic jurisprudence) - Qatar Journal of Islamic Sciences - University of Baghdad - 2007. . Eleven- (The provisions of scientific quotation when writing academic research in Islamic jurisprudence) published within the Scopes Group of Xi&#39;an University of Architecture &amp; Technology in 2020. The provisions of scientific quotation when writing academic research in Islamic jurisprudence</p> <p>Prof. Sadeq Khalaf Ayoub - Education College for Women, University of Anbar.<br /> Page No: 358-381<br /></p> <pre> twelve- <a href=""></a></pre> <pre> The thirteenth research: International jurisprudential rulings related to worship between Islamic countries - a joint research published in the Journal of the College of Education for Girls - Iraqi University / Issue fifteen (15/12/2021)( </pre> <pre> The fourteenth research - the effects of cosmic phenomena on the provisions of fasting and pilgrimage - a comparative jurisprudence study in the light of the Holy Qur&rsquo;an and the Sunnah - Nasaq Magazine Issue 8 - Volume 30-36 December-2022 at the link&nbsp;&nbsp;</pre> <pre> Journal link://</pre> <pre> Fifteenth Research - Rulings of Caution in Avoiding Listening to People of Desires and Bid&#39;ahs and Taking from Astrologers Research published in English in a magazine within Squees containers - the name of the magazine (res militaris) issn : 2265-6294 Research title-&nbsp;Rules of caution by taking practical measures in avoiding listening to people of passions and fads and taking away from astrologers) - link: (&nbsp; Issue2023&nbsp; &nbsp;-&nbsp; </pre> <pre> Issue: First - Vol</pre> <pre> : vol.13,n&deg;2 -&nbsp; &nbsp;Journal link (&nbsp;; &nbsp;</pre> <pre> For the sixteenth research - the provisions of rain retention and its intensification associated with stormy winds and thunderbolts (a comparative jurisprudential study) - Ed.. Sadiq Khalaf Ayoub Al-Qaisi, Raghda Muthanna Talib - Researcher Journal of Islamic Sciences - University of Fallujah - Journal link: index.php/new/issue/view/13 - Search link: - Publication date: 5/6/2023 - Volume 1 - Issue 1-2023</pre>


Series Article Lecture Name Stage Download Show
1 Jurisprudence of personal status, rights related to the second estate
2 Jurisprudence of personal status, the pillars of inheritance, with an indication of the principles of the second matters
3 Jurisprudence of personal affairs, the owners of the assumptions of two-and-a-half, and a second half
4 Jurisprudence of personal status, how to find the final amounts for each inheritor from the second heirs
5 Jurisprudence of personal status, the subject of the second copy
6 Jurisprudence of personal status in the second different copy
7 Jurisprudence of Personal Status, the third case in the transcript - that it is between the second arrows of May
8 Jurisprudence of personal status, stating the meaning, conditions, and second pillars of a will
9 Jurisprudence of personal status, the ruling of the second commandment
10 Jurisprudence of personal status, the amount of the will and the ruling of the will for the heir, with a statement of the provisions of the second will
11 Jurisprudence of Personal Status Termination of the Marriage Contract - Explaining the meaning of divorce, its ruling and its second owner
12 Jurisprudence of personal status, the conditions of whoever is divorced and what is the second divorce
13 Jurisprudence of personal status, the second types of divorce (in terms of its occurrence)
14 Jurisprudence of personal status, the separation between the spouses by sexual intercourse and the second curse
15 jurisprudence of personal status differentiation by the second judiciary
16 Jurisprudence of Worship The Book of Zakat Explaining the meaning of zakat, its ruling, the reason for its obligation and the second
17 Jurisprudence of Worship Ruling on paying the value in zakat and the types of money that are due in the second
18 Jurisprudence of Worship, the third type of money in which zakat is due - the second offer
19 Jurisprudence of acts of worship, zakat on crops and fruits, and zakat on second cattle
20 Jurisprudence of acts of worship, zakat on metal and the second ore
21 The jurisprudence of acts of worship The second zakat banks
22 Jurisprudence of acts of worship charity second
23 Jurisprudence of Worship, Chapter on Hajj and Umrah: The Concept of Hajj, its Rule, Sections, and Second Conditions
24 Jurisprudence of acts of worship pillars and duties of the pilgrimage and his second year
25 The Fiqh of Worship: Rulings on Umrah and Prosecution during Hajj and Umrah

# المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة