Mohammed Obaid Hussein Hamadi (Assistant Professor)
PhD in Medical Physics (plasma medicine )
Department of physiology -
College of Medicine
<p>Muhammad Obaid Hussain Al-Lahbi PhD in medical and biophysics Assistant Professor Obtained two patents Obtain a necklace of creativity Recipient of the Gold Award in the specialty Participant in several scientific conferences for medical and science groups Several researches published in international and local journals within solid scientific journals Scopus and Clarivate Supervision of 3 postgraduate master's students Teaching medical groups (medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine) Writing a scientific laboratory booklet for medical groups within the specialty</p>
<p>1. Physical properties of magnetized water for dissolving calcium oxalate salts</p> <p>2.The study of plasma behavior by using electrostatic probes</p> <p>3. Study the effectiveness of magnetized water on the growth of the cutaneous leishmaniasis parasite</p> <p>4.Experimental Study of the Effect of Semi-Apical Angle on Initial Peak Load and Plastic Work for Nonmetallic Tubes</p> <p>5.Study the change in production of protein A from staphylococcus aureus by using UV-visible light</p> <p>6.Influence of the polymer mold on the laser absorption and fluorescence spectra of Rhodamines Dyes</p> <p>7.Effect of Atmospheric Non-Thermal Plasma on Adhesion Process of Pseudomonas Spp Bacteria</p> <p>8.Study of I-V characteristics of the Dielectric Barrier Discharge DBD system</p> <p>9.The effect of Dielectric Thickness on Dielectric Barrier<br /> Discharge properties at Atmospheric Pressure</p> <p>10.The role of atmospheric non-thermal plasma in the bacteria inactivation</p> <p>11. Influence of Atmospheric non-thermal Plasma on some Hematological Characteristics of Iraqi Patients</p> <p>12. Plasma Needles on the Teeth Structure and Compressibility</p> <p><br /> 13.Water pollution removal by non-thermal plasma jet</p> <p>14.Experimental study on inactivation of Bacteria E.Coli causes water contamination by using plasma torch</p> <p>15. The Effect of the Non-Thermal Plasma Needle on Pseudomonas aeruginosa</p> <p> </p> <p>16.The Study of Electrical Description for Non-Thermal Plasma Needle System</p> <p> </p> <p>17. Urinary Tract Infection Risk Assessment By Non-Thermal Plasma In Iraqis</p> <p><br /> 18. THE EFFECT OF NON-THERMAL PLASMA NEEDLE ON STAPHYLOCOCCUS<br /> AUREUS BACTERIA</p> <p><br /> 19.Ambient Decontamination by Non -Thermal Plasma in<br /> Atmospheric Pressure Air</p> <p>20.Index of Myocardial Performance risk assessment by Ultrasound Waves of patients with high blood pressure</p> <p> </p> <p>21.Mechanism of Platelets Stimulation by Non Thermal<br /> Plasma</p> <p><br /> 22.the effect of non thermal plasma needle on staphylococcus aureus bacteria</p> <p><br /> 23.The influence of argon gas flow in the killing of staphylococcus epidermidis bacteria</p> <p><br /> 24.The study of thermal description for non-thermal plasma needle system</p> <p><br /> 25.The effect of Mean Period and Ejection Time in patients</p>
1. Forces within body
2. physics of skylton
3. heat and cold in medicine ,work and power in body
7.physics of cariovscular system
8.electrcity and magntesim in body
9. sound in medicine
10.llighet in medicine
11. hearing , vision in human
13. x-ray production
14. nuclear medcine
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