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Jamal Abdul Razzaq Khalaf Khudair (Lecturer)

PhD in Structural Engineering
Civil - Engineering

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<p>Name: Jamal Abdulrazaaq Khalaf</p> <p>DoB: 20/02/1974</p> <p>Marred&nbsp;</p> <p>Have Three Children</p>


<p>Published Journal Papers</p> <p><img alt="page4image1552" src="blob:" style="height:0.960000; width:128.640000" /></p> <p>[1] Khalaf J. &amp; Huang Z. (2016). &#39;Behaviour of the bond between prestressed strands and concrete under fire conditions&#39;. Construction &amp; Building Materials, Volume 128, pp. 12-23.</p> <p>[2] Khalaf J., Huang Z. &amp; Fan M. (2016). &#39;Analysis of bond-slip between concrete and steel bar in fire&#39;. Computers and Structures, Volume 162, pp. 1-15.</p> <p>[3] Khalaf J. &amp; Huang Z. (2019). &#39;The bond behaviour of reinforced concrete members at elevated temperatures&#39; .Fire safety Journal, Volum 103, pp. 19-33.</p> <p>Published Conference Papers</p> <p>[1] Khalaf, J. and Huang, Z. (2016) &#39;Modelling of bond-slip between restressed strands and concrete at elevated temperatures&rsquo;,&nbsp;9th International Conference on Structures in Fire. Princeton, USA. 1 - 10 June.</p> <p>[2] Khalaf,J.,Huang,Z. andFan,M. (2015) &#39;A robust model to predict the interaction between concrete and steel bar in fire&rsquo;,&nbsp;First International Conference on Structural Safety under Fire &amp; Blast. Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 2-4 September. ASRANet Ltd, pp. 538 - 549.</p> <p>[3] Khalaf, J., Huang, Z. and Fan, M. (2014) &#39;Modelling the bond characteristic between concrete and steel bar in fire&#39; , 8th International Conference on Structures in Fire. Shanghai, China. 11 - 13 June. Tongji University Press, pp. 483 - 490.</p>


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