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Mohammed Radhi Moheisen (Lecturer)

PhD in Molecular Microbiology
Basic Science department - Dentistry

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<p>Birth date: 1978</p> <p>Birth Place: Al Anbar-Iraq</p> <p>First language: Arabic</p> <p>Other languages: English</p> <p>Nationality: Iraqi</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Job Address:</strong></p> <p>College of Dentistry</p> <p>University of Anbar</p> <p>Anbar-Ramadi</p> <p>Iraq</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Education</strong></p> <p>1996-2000 Study in order to get a BSc. degree in general Biological sciences,&nbsp;Anbar University (Iraq), Faculty of Education for pure&nbsp;science.</p> <p>2005-2008 Study in order to get an Msc. degree in Medical Microbiology, Anbar&nbsp;University (Iraq), Faculty of Medicine. Title of master&nbsp;Thesis (Isolation and Identification of Some Etiological&nbsp;Agents of Diarrhea in Children in Ramadi City with&nbsp;Concentration on Yersinia enterocolitis and Their&nbsp;Susceptibility to Antibiotics)</p> <p>Jan/2013-Sep/2013 English language course, University of Liverpool, School of&nbsp;English, Liverpool, U.K.</p> <p>Oct/2013-Nov/2017 PhD study in Molecular Microbiology, University of&nbsp;Liverpool, Institute of Integrative Biology, Liverpool, UK.&nbsp;Title of PhD project (Molecular characterization of the&nbsp;activity and requirements of a novel&nbsp;and promiscuous E. coil&nbsp;(EHEC) bacteriophage integrase).</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Working and Teaching experience</strong></p> <p>Nov/2003-Nov/2005: Worked as an assistant researcher in the department of basic&nbsp;sciences, College of Dentistry, Anbar University, Iraq.</p> <p>Des/2008-Jan/2013: worked as Assistant lecturer in the department of basic&nbsp;sciences, College of Dentistry, Anbar University, Iraq.</p> <p>The academic year 2013-2014: worked as a demonstrator in Life 278 Module&nbsp;Advanced Microbiological Techniques, Institute of&nbsp;Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>The academic year 2014-2015: worked as a demonstrator in Life 228 Module&nbsp;Advanced Microbiological Techniques, Institute of&nbsp;Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>The academic year 2015-2016: -worked as a demonstrator in Life 228 Module&nbsp;Advanced Microbiological Techniques, Institute of&nbsp;Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>Worked as a demonstrator in Life 107 Module Experimental&nbsp;Skills in Current Biology, Institute of Integrative Biology,</p> <p>University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>The academic year 2016-2017: -worked as a demonstrator in Life 228 Module&nbsp;Advanced Microbiological Techniques, Institute of&nbsp;Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>Worked as a demonstrator in Life 107 Module Experimental&nbsp;Skills in Current Biology, Institute of Integrative Biology,</p> <p>University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>The academic year 2017-2018: -worked as a demonstrator in Life 237 Module&nbsp;Molecular Science, Institute of Integrative Biology,&nbsp;University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>Worked in a postdoctoral position (November 2017-January 2018), Department&nbsp;of functional and comparative genomics, Institute of&nbsp;Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, UK.</p> <p>February 2018 until October 2019:- Working as a Medical microbiology lecturer&nbsp;in the department of basic sciences, College of Dentistry,&nbsp;Anbar University, Iraq.</p> <p>October 20019 until now: Working as, Dean assistant for scientific affairs as well&nbsp;as a Medical microbiology lecturer in the department of&nbsp;basic sciences, College of Dentistry, Anbar University, Iraq.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p style="margin-left:48px; text-align:start"><span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="font-family:Calibri,sans-serif"><span style="color:#000000"><span style="font-size:10pt">1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;M. R. Mohaisen, A. J. McCarthy, E. M. Adriaenssens, H. E. Allison, The Site-Specific Recombination System of the&nbsp;E<em>scherichia coli&nbsp;</em>Bacteriophage &Phi;24&nbsp;B.&nbsp;<em>Front Microbiol</em>&nbsp;<strong>11</strong>, 578056 (2020).</span></span></span></span></p>


Microbiology Lecture 1:     Introduction to Microbiology 

Microbiology Lecture 2:     Bacterial physiology

Microbiology Lecture 3:     Bacterial Pathogenicity 

Microbiology Lecture 4:     Oral Normal Bacterial  Flora

Microbiology Lecture 5:     Dental plaque  and Dental Caries

Microbiology Lecture 6:     Enteric Gram-Negative Rods (Enterobacteriaceae)

Microbiology Lecture 7:      Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Microbiology Lecture 8:     Staphylococcus

Microbiology Lecture 9:     Streptococcus 

Microbiology Lecture 10:   Lactobacillus

Microbiology Lecture 11:   Mycobacterium tuberculosis


English language Lecture 1: The Subject in English sentence

English language Lecture 2: English Sentence Grammar

English language Lecture3: The use of the verb like in English

English language Lecture 4:  Pronouns In English Sentence









# المادة اسم المحاضرة المرحلة التحميل مشاهدة