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Adil Rashid Hussain (Professor)

PhD in Industrial Geography

Geographic - Education for Women

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<p>&nbsp;Name:Adel Rasheed Husseen&nbsp;</p> <p>Birth date:10/9/1967.</p> <p>Marital status:married</p> <p>Number of boys:4</p> <p>Religion:Muslim</p> <p>Specialization:Geography.</p> <p>Occupation:Teraching</p> <p>Academic degree:Assistant professor</p> <p>Work address:University of anbar/college of Eduction for Girls</p> <p>Department of Geography</p> <p>Work phone:07802396889</p> <p>Mobail phone:07802396889</p> <p></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p>1-&nbsp;Spatial analysis of small industrial activities in the district of Habbaniyah 2019 - Journal of Educational and Scientific Studies - 2021.</p> <pre> 2- The role of the agricultural and industrial sector in human development - Journal of the Geographical Society - 2008. 3- The Economic Dimensions of Turkish Water Projects and Their Impact on the Tigris and Euphrates River Basin in Iraq - Al Ustaz Magazine - 2008. 4- Population imbalances and their implications for the development of human resources for the Arab countries affiliated with ESCWA (joint) - Professor's Journal - 2010. 5- The Zionist entity's acquisition of Arab waters (joint) - Journal of the Geographical Society - 2009. 6- Economic dimensions of large industrial projects in Erbil Governorate (joint) - Anbar University Journal for Human Sciences - 2017. 7- The possibility of generating electric power from the sun and wind in the stations of Anbar cities to achieve sustainable development (joint) - Midad Al-Adab Journal - Iraqi University - 2019.</pre> <pre> 8- The possibility of investing areas for tourism purposes in Anbar Governorate (joint) Journal of the Iraqi University Court - 2019. 9- The role of the private industrial sector in promoting economic development in Anbar Governorate (joint) - Journal of the University College of Knowledge - 2020. 10- The dynamics of the industrial workforce in Anbar Governorate - Journal of Sustainable Studies - 2021.</pre>


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