<p>Name: Kamal Abid Nasser </p> <p>Nationality: Iraqi</p> <p>social Status: Married</p> <p>Address: Anbar- Khalidiyah </p> <p>Phone no.: + 964 7808817327</p> <p>Academic E-mail: kamal.abid@uoanbar.edu.iq</p> <p> </p> <p>Job Information: </p> <p>2002-2009 Asst-researcher, BA at the University of Anbar/ College of Arts</p> <p>2009-2014 Asst-instructor, MA at the University of Anbar/ College of Arts</p> <p>2014-2020 Instructor, Ph.D. at the University of Anbar/ College of Arts</p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p>
No Information .
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